Monday, April 27, 2009

WA 8: D1 (code 4,1)

Hey kids! Did you know that the revolution of the proletariat is inevitable? That comes from a very good man known as Karl Marx, today we will learn about how to appreciate Marxism.

Marxism, is a very good idea made by two friends named Karl and Fred, who lived far away in a land called Prussia. They thought of a way to make a better world for all of the people to live in. Their idea, sometimes called communism, told us the truth about society. We learn from Karl and Fred, that the working people, sometimes called the proletariat, are oppressed by the ruling class (called bosses, rich people, capitalists, etc.) and treated unfairly under the evil system of capitalism, which encourages COMPETITION! They also tell us how to stop this unfairness, just as you all should do, by rising up in revolution, leading to the what they call the dictatorship of the proletariat. This is when the workers overthrow the capitalists, and take over the state. Fortunately, many leaders such as Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin in Russia, Mao Zedong in China, Hồ Chí Minh in Vietnam, and Kim Il-sung in Korea, and have already succeeded in creating these wonderful places. In these countries, no one was oppressed any longer, and the people were free to work. They also were allowed to share many great public works, such as living space in communal housing and transportation on the people's railways. These almost ideal societies, free from oppression and evil, prepare us for the final stage: true communism. Then we finally have a classless and stateless society based off of sharing and equality. No longer slaves to money and bosses, the people can focus on more important things, such as science and technology, and begin to appreciate the better things in life.

And this is why I urge you all to go out and spread this great news. Tell your parents, your teachers, your friends... everyone, so that we all can be free. Join your local communist party, and help organize the next revolution! And finally little comrades, feel free to ask questions, for more information on Marxism, I suggest you read Das Kapital or the Communist Manifesto with your parents, another nice book is Fairy Tales for Worker's Children. Good luck, and death to the bosses!

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