Sunday, October 12, 2008

WA2: D1 Split

Toys of all kinds thrown everywhere.

This is where we find ourselves today. We have come to gather what we've understood about this place. The place where we are Trapped...

We awoke to sound of the wind outside the Room.
As we gaze from the old bed we can see it all. The entire room is all we have seen for some time now. On its round leathery walls hang the pictures we made before the pencil broke. Below the walls is the floor which has that famalier green carpet. We've always loved that carpet with its diamond pattern made of different shades of green. It reminds of the rolling green hills outside the Old place. We love are many toys which we put on the carpet. We have many toys like the doll, and the car. Sometimes we rearrange them. When we look up we can see the ceiling where the funny yellow lamp that hangs down. We call it funny because it talks to us. Late at night when we try to sleep it whispers, "Why do you lye there?" We cannot anwser sincerely so we always reply, "Silly yellow lamp...let us sleep..."

Other things we notice are the table in the corner. There is a little chair for us to sit in next to the table. That's where we made the pictures. We remember now how fun that was. When we first came into the room there was the pencil and the paper on the table. We spent hours drawing many pictures on the paper. The smooth paper that our rough pencil glided over as we drew...

But then we remembered...

We wern't supposed to be in the Room anymore. They warned not to go in there anymore. But we thought we knew better. It was too late.
Although I ask him he never tells me how we got here.We're all alone now... we ask ourselves....

"Why can't we leave?",
"Because we don't want to of course!" , "Do you not remember the agreement?"
"But we are so lonely," , "Will They ever come back to us?"

We looked up at the clock. We have always hated the clock. The clock knows what we have done and reminds us how long we have been Trapped. Why won't the clock leave us alone... How long must we stay? The sound of clock is all we fear. Tick tock tick tock...The clock mocks us.

"How long must we stay?!"
"Let us go!" "Please let us go!"
"We're all alone..."

Finally we had had enough. For the first time we took our hand and made it into a powerful fist. We unleashed all our fury against the leathery walls. We pounded and screamed and spit at the terrible wall. We watched the clock as it moved. It's hands spread out of its face to gesture us to stop. We didn't listen. We never listen. We beat the wall with all of our rage and frustration but it would not even dent. Eventually we collapsed.

We do not know how long we lay there on the carpet. But we did lay. And as we layed we thought... We thought of the way to freedom... Yes, exactly. Freedom from the clock and the lamp and the Room. We thought of the Knife...

It was a long knife with a slightly curved blade. It had a green glass handel and was made of bone. It was carved with an eye that saw the way out and would guide us through the terrible wall. Once we had thought of the knife we held it in our left hand.

Now it began.

We held up the Knife to the wall. We slowly walked towards our enemy and then we stroke our enemy down. We loved the sound that the Knife made on the leathery wall. It was like the sound of flesh being torn through but teeth. In that moment we were free from the Room. But we should have listened...

No sooner had we cut the scratch in the wall that the water began. At first it was slow. It made a new noise too. Drip, drip, drip... We didn't know what to do so we just listened to the drip, drip... We saw the drops form a puddle on the floor. Now it dripped louder! You could not imagine our joy as we saw the water drip and make ripples in the puddle. In the end we never realized what was happening. We just listened as the drip became a steady stream of the wonderful water and then became silent. We stood still as the water filled the terrible Room. We saw how everything in the room became wet. Some of the toys floated and the way they moved was fun to watch. We amused ourselves as the wetness came into our Room. And then, finally, the Room was full and we were free.

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

"We awoke to (the) sound of the "

"We love (our) many toys which we put on the carpet. "

This is interesting. I'm intreiged now, "Late at night when we try to sleep it whispers, "Why do you (lay) there?" We cannot anwser sincerely so we always reply, "Silly yellow lamp...let us sleep...""

Punctuation goes inside quotation marks.

Very nice, "We looked up at the clock. We have always hated the clock. The clock knows what we have done and reminds us how long we have been Trapped."

The way you write this makes me think that the narrator of the story has some kind of mental disability. It works.

So in the end does the person excape or do they find freedom in death? Drowning? I don't think you need to specifiy in the story. It works the way it is. I'm just curious.